Midwife centre Graz
Appointments by prior agreement!
elow you will find an overview of the comprehensive range of services available during pregnancy:
- Mother-Child-Pass Counselling
- Individual birth consultation
- Prenatal care
- Acupuncture
- Craniosacral Osteopathy
- Kinesio-Tape
- Shiatsu
- Mawiba Pre
- Birth preparation
- Pregnancy gymnastics
- Pregnancy swimming
- Yoga in pregnancy
- The pelvic floor during pregnancy
- Relaxation during pregnancy
- Nutrition
- The medicine cabinet for babies and toddlers
- Childhood diseases
- Delivery room tour
- Maternity leave and more
- Infant emergency course
- Infant care
- Breastfeeding compact
- Sudden infant death syndrome
- Diaper-free and alternative diapering systems
Below you will find an overview of the comprehensive offer with babies:
- Care at home
- Sleep counselling
- Breastfeeding counselling
- Jaundice value measurement
- Craniosacral Osteopathy
- Laser therapy
- Physiotherapy
- Shiatsu
- Baby massage
- Baby swimming
- Mawiba Baby
- Post-partum exercises
- Yoga for Mother and Baby
Below you will find an overview of the comprehensive offer with kids:
- Yoga for kids
- Music group
- Pikler Playroom
Health centre CITYPARK / 2nd floor
directly next to the CITYPARK shopping centre